A Gala for Warriors ❤️

It’s that time of year! One of my favorite occasions ever, the INDY gala, has come and gone this past weekend.

This foundation means a lot to me.

Here is my warrior story: https://www.im-not-done-yet.com/beth-redden-harrison.html

Here is Brad’s: https://www.im-not-done-yet.com/brad-harrison.html

In our time of need, in every aspect of our lives, Kayla, the founder of INDY, was and is constantly reaching out. Her kindness has saved me on more than one occasion.

So, enjoy some pictures of galas gone by, and if you can, support INDY.

Disclaimer: Covid year Ailee and I dressed up at home due to the whole world shutting down. it was awesome!


Once a year, so far, my husband has sent me on a solo trip next to the ocean, somewhere in the world. Last year, Aruba, this year, Puerto Vallarta.

As an adult, I have ADHD and OCD. They aren’t as extreme as they used to be, but adding a little adult anxiety to the mix, it’s a lot to wake up to every day. I find myself cleaning the house constantly. Looking at the floors first thing and figuring out how to put the dogs in one room occupied so I can mop the whole house quick. Or sitting on the couch for the first time all day and seeing all the dog hair that needs to be picked up.

Diagnosis aren’t all I have to offer. I consider myself an excellent family cook, a great friend, philanthropist and, my favorite, great Foster Dog Mom. I’m forgetful and have flaws, but I’ve earned them all and accept who I am. It’s taken 43 years, but I think I’m there. It’s the dogs, I’m certain of it.

This trip gives me opportunity to quiet so many of my thoughts. I only have myself to tidy up after and account for. My brain dumps all negativity out the window and I give every situation the benefit of the doubt.

Vacation. The best word ever.

The Boss

Music has always been a huge part of my life. From the time I was a little girl dancing with my dad to the Grease record through my teenage years of 90’s grunge, country, rock…. I’ve always had music.

Yesterday I was reminiscing about a venue I’d been to (Alpine Valley) to see Rage Against the Machine back in the 2010’s. I remember the atmosphere, the smells, the people and the MUD! It made me search into my memories of other concerts gone by. I’ve truly seen some of the Greats over time, but nothing will compare to tonight.

When I moved from Foley, one of my absolute, greatest all-time regrets was forgetting to pack my entire (mostly) alphabetized CD collection. My mind was still very much wrapped in grief and in the midst of everything, I accidentally left them in a built-in by my kitchen. seriously. Oh, how I wish I could have them back.

Tonight, Cole, along with me and two others, are heading to the Xcel Energy Center to see none other than Bruce Springsteen.

Music continues to soothe my soul and keeps so many memories alive. Tonight is a night for the books. Tomorrow… PUERTO VALLARTA!